Sunday, May 6, 2012

Teen Writers' Group

This coming Wednesday night I'll be speaking to a small group of teen writers. Their instructor tells me she has some awesome writers in her group, and I'm excited to share the world of writing with them and hear the ideas bubbling up from their minds.
My talk doesn't have a title and I'm more of a Chicken Soup for the Soul lecturer than a format/grammer monger but I'm planning to talk to them about the mystical elements that make up writing. My intention is to share that writing is an act of hope, of celebration, of probing for truth, pushing the envelope and taking risks. I want them to own that their voice is important and needs to be heard.
Writing is hard work. Someone said yesterday it's long hours for not a lot of pay or respect sometimes, it's a lot of isolation while we're weaving the tapestry of a story. It's hard to adher to the butt-in-chair rule when there is laundry to be done or someplace you'd like to go. I want them to know that 80% of success in anything in life is just showing up.
What about you? What would  you tell a young writer to encourage, educate and inspire him or her?

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